Mi., 03.07.2019
21:00 - 22:00 Uhr
3.07.2019, 21 UHR
In weary, three dancers give up on the vertical in favour of the horizontal. Shifting, turning and waiting, their bodies asks for the right to remain unfixed, to speak as no one.
Concept and choreography: Else Tunemyr. By and with: Catalina Insignares, Else Tunemyr, Zuzana Žabková. Dramaturgy: Henrike Kohpeiß, Carolina Mendonça. Support: Kulturamt Frankfurt, Hessische Theaterakademie.
Henrike Kohpeiß, Catalina Insignares, Carolina Mendonça, Else Tunemyr and Zuzana Žabková met during their studies for the MA in Choreography and Performance at the Institute for Applied Theatre Studies in Giessen, Germany. They keep the structure of their collaboration purposefully unfixed, and together and with others they develop various work, affections and affiliations.
Eintritt : Solidarisches Preissystem
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